Mah Jongg for Windows 3.1
How to play Mah Jongg for Windows 3.1
Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
Mah Jongg for Windows 3.1 Description
10 tilesets (.TIS) with the game. More than 100 user made tilesets available. Tileset Viewer and PCX to .TIS utility. High score. Author: Ron Balewski. The shareware version is from 1992 (and is v.1.0). Req.: Win3.1+. Registered users receive v.3.1 with: .wav sound support, magnify mode, new hi-res 256-color/true-color tile format (.TBH), easy tile set design (save bitmap files), floating customizable ToolCube, tile magnify window shows enlarged view of current tile, and cheats.

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