F-15 Strike Eagle II

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How to play F-15 Strike Eagle II

Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.

F-15 Strike Eagle II Description

F-15 Strike Eagle (1989) is a flight simulator by MicroProse for computers where you control a F-15 Strike Eagle. The plane is equipped with a M61 Vulcan and three different kinds of missiles, Sidewinders, Abrams, and Mavericks. If F-15 Strike Eagle 2 you have to fight a large variety of enemy aircraft, missile boats, satellites and other ground targets, but you also have to make sure you don't attack friendly targets. There are many awards you can receive and you can be promoted too. F-15 Strike Eagle 2 is an easy to understand and realistic flight simulator.

F-15 Strike Eagle II - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Cover Art
F-15 Strike Eagle II  - Cover Art Sega Genesis