The Residents' Bad Day on the Midway
How to play The Residents' Bad Day on the Midway
Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
The Residents' Bad Day on the Midway Description
A twisted 3-D graphical adventure from the minds of the the Residents, the infamous and anonymous rock and roll band/performance art troupe.
The player explores the world of a demented carnival midway by inhabiting (possessing) it's freakish denizens. Events appear differently when viewed through the eyes of different characters and each time the player leaps into a new character, his or her story is told via a graphic novel drawn by a well known comic artist. Visit the "Kill a Commie" shooting gallery as Oscar the Racing Rat or watch a sperm whale give birth to an electric eel as Dagmar the Tattooed Dog woman. Strangeness abounds when you have a bad day on the midway.

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