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How to play ALF

Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.

ALF Description

Alf is an action-adventure video game developed by Nexa and released by Sega for the Sega Master System in 1989. It is based on the American television series ALF. Players control the title character as he attempts to locate parts with which to repair his spaceship, so he can meet up with his friends Skip and Rhonda on the planet Mars.

The game is the only home console game based on the ALF television show. Other ALF games have been released for various computer systems, including ALF: The First Adventure, the first ALF game. A couple of edutainment games based on the character were also released in later years: ALF's US Geography and ALF's Thinking Skills.

ALF - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Also known as
"アルフ" -- Japanese spelling
Cover Art
ALF -Front Cover Art Sega Master System