Midway Campaign
Press Keyboard right side: Alt+Enter keys to switch to full screen game play, and Alt+Enter keys to return.
How to play Midway Campaign
Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.
Midway Campaign Description
Midway Campaign is a strategy game developed by Avalon Hill in 1980 (release across multiple platforms in through 1983). The format was ASCII using Basic.[1]
The game reenacts the events between June 4th and June 7th 1942 during the Battle of Midway, which was the turning point for Allied Forces in the Pacific Theater. Gameplay is turn based with each turn representing one hour of the battle. The player controls Task force 17, comprising the Enterprise and Hornet aircraft carriers, Task force 16 comprising Yorktown, and Midway Island. Each task force make be moved on a map in any direction by providing a direction in degrees. During each turn Consolidated PBY Catalinas scout out the location of the enemy Task force comprising Akagi, Kaga,Soryu,Hiryu, and Zuiho.
Once a Task Force has been identified and are within range a strike group may be launched from neighboring ships. Planes are generally in three conditions throughout the game. They can be below deck (protected from enemy strikes), on deck arming for a strike, or in the air moving towards or away from a target. Fighters (F4F Wildcats or A6M Zero 'Zekes') can also be established in a combat air patrol (CAP) to protect their carrier.
The game ends when either sides carriers are all lost, or if one of the task forces leave the map