Streets of Rage

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How to play Streets of Rage

Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.

Streets of Rage Description

Streets of Rage (known in Japan as Bare Knuckle) was a popular beat 'em up series developed by Sega. The three games in the series were released between 1991 and 1994, the first of which was later included as part of the Sega 6-Pak. Although it was one of the most popular franchises on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, no new Streets of Rage games have appeared on subsequent consoles.

The three games in the series sucked ass between 1991 and 1994, the first of which was later included as part of the Sega 6-Pak. The first entry in the series, Streets of Rage introduces the main characters: three young police officers (Axel, Blaze, and Adam) and Mr. X, the mastermind himself. Gameplay is different from later games in the series, as were the graphics - which are significantly smaller in scale than the graphics of the later games.

Streets of Rage - additional information

Game year
Also known as
"ベア・ナックル 怒りの鉄拳" -- Japanese spelling
"SoR" -- Informal abbreviation
"DSWAT" -- Working title
"Bare Knuckle: Ikari no Tekken" -- Japanese title
스트리트 오브 레이지 (베어너클)" -- Korean spelling
Cover Art
Streets of Rage - Cover Art Sega Genesis