Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone

How to play Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone Description
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (ダブルドラゴン3?) is the third game in Technos Japan's (presently Million's) Double Dragon series of beat-em-ups. Originally released in 1990, the original arcade version was not developed in-house by Technos, but farmed out to an external developer, East Technology. Because of this and the fact that the game used a new engine, it has a completely different look and feel from the previous two installments. It was not as well-received as the previous game.
Set two years after the events of Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Bimmy and Jimmy return home from a training mission only to meet a fortune teller named Hiruko. Hiruko tells the Lee brothers that a new enemy is threatening the world and that in order to defeat this new opponent, they must travel the world and collect the three Rosetta Stones and gather them in Egypt. In order to achieve their goal, the Lee brothers are now accompanied by other world class martial artists.
Double Dragon 3 has a more realistic look than the almost cartoon-like graphics of the first two games. The game ditches the two-way attacking system from Double Dragon II and returns to having a punch and kick buttons. However, the techniques available are different. The Elbow Punch and Hair Grab are removed, but new techniques such as a suplex and a dash are added. There are seven basic techniques, plus two special techniques that can be purchased. Two players can now perform a double whirlwind kick together.
The game is also the only Double Dragon game to allow for up to three players, similar to its contemporary Combatribes (both games were made on the same engine). The third player is assigned to a yellow-clad Lee brother, the previously unseen "Sonny" (who never made another appearance after this game).
The North American and Worldwide versions featured a shopping system similar to the Capcom game Forgotten Worlds, in which player can enter certain shops located in the background and purchase additional playable characters (which essentially serve as extra men that replaces the player's current character), as well as other sorts of power-ups by inserting additional tokens. The shops are usually located at the beginning of the stage. The Japanese version discarded this feature (see regional differences) and allowed players to choose their starting character.

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