Shining Force Gaiden

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How to play Shining Force Gaiden

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Shining Force Gaiden Description

The first of the three Shining Force games for Game Gear, this is a Japanese-only gaiden (side-story) to the main series. The events take place in a time period between the first and the second Shining Force games (twenty years after the events of the first game), in a kingdom called Cypress. The ambassador of Cypress kidnaps Anri, the princess of Gardiana, casting a spell on her that envelops her in dark fog. You control Nick, a young prince who decides to help the princess, aided by the warrior team of the first Shining Force.

The game is a strategy RPG with a typical Shining Force-style combat: the largest part of the game is spent fighting enemy forces. You move your party (up to twelve characters) around, attacking or casting spells. Once in contact with the enemy, a short automatic battle sequence occurs. You gain experience points for every attack. Unlike other Shining Force games, you cannot visit towns in this game.

Shining Force Gaiden - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Also known as
"シャイニング・フォース外伝 ~遠征・邪神の国へ~" -- Japanese Spelling
Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei Jashin no Kuni e
Cover Art
Shining Force Gaiden - Cover Art Sega Game Gear