Flipper Slipper

ColecoVision is mapped to use the number keypad on a full keyboard. If you don't have access to a keypad, you can press the TAB key and there is a menu that has options to change settings including remapping the keys. The default key mapping is in the chart bellow:

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How to play Flipper Slipper

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Flipper Slipper Description

Flipper Slipper is sort of a Breakout clone with an aquatic theme, fish or coral instead of bricks, etc. It's interesting for having 2 paddles instead of one. This leads to what I find to be the most frustrating aspect of the game, trying to hit the ball with one paddle and finding that it's just out of range and you should've used the other one. The paddles are also arc-shaped, and the ball seems to be able to curve along the edge of it. Part of them also disappear as the game goes one.

Flipper Slipper - additional information

Game year
Cover Art
Flipper Slipper - ColecoVision Cover Art