If using USB Joystick/Gamepad, you can plug the controller in the USB port once the game is loaded for best results.

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How to play Xenomorph

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Xenomorph Description

Xenomorph is a science-fiction role-playing game, viewed from a first-person perspective with an icon-driven interface that drew comparisons with Dungeon Master. The player controls a janitor who wakes to find the crew of his ship, the Mombassa Oak, have been killed by a computer malfunction during a two-year research mission. The janitor pilots the ship to a nearby mining platform, Astargatis, to find that the human population has vanished. The player must search the platform for microchips and fuel rods that can be used to repair the Mobassa Oak. In addition, the player must defend himself against the aliens that are responsible for the attack on Astargatis. The player needs to manage weapons, medical supplies, keycard access, food, energy, and radiation levels in order to survive.

Critics pointed out that drawing a map is important in progressing in Xenomorph, as it is easy to get lost or miss an important location.

Xenomorph - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Cover Art
Xenomorph - Cover Art Commodore 64