Streets of Rage 3

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How to play Streets of Rage 3

Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.

Streets of Rage 3 Description

Streets of Rage 3, packed in a 24 megabit (3 megabyte) cartridge, had several enhancements over Streets of Rage 2 such as a more complex plot, multiple endings, lengthier levels, better scenarios (with interactive levels and the return of traps like pits) and faster gameplay (with dash and dodge moves). Weapons could now only be used for a few times before breaking, hidden playable boss characters were added and a few cutscenes were added to give the story depth. Max gave place to Zan, a cyborg, who was important for plot reasons.

Besides the fact that it was far more difficult than its predecessors, it was also criticized for having an abrasive and noisy soundtrack, more experimental than the previous two which used more melodies and dance beats.

Streets of Rage 3 - additional information

Game year
Cover Art
Streets of Rage 3 - Cover Art Sega Genesis