Matterhorn Screamer!

No gamepads detected. Plug in and press a button to use it.

If using USB Joystick/Gamepad, you can plug the controller in the USB port once the game is loaded for best results.

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How to play Matterhorn Screamer!

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Matterhorn Screamer! Description

A side-scrolling, jumping game in which you help Goofy climb the treacherous slopes of the Matterhorn. Using keyboard or joystick, make Goofy climb ropes or jump to ledges, empty bobsleds or gondolas. Jump over goats or snowmen before they push Goofy off the ledge. At higher levels of difficulty, watch out for falling icicles or loose ledges. To win the game, collect all the flags along the way and claim the Mickey flag at the summit.

Matterhorn Screamer! - additional information

Game year
Cover Art
Matterhorn Screamer! - Cover Art Commodore 64