The Playroom
How to play The Playroom
Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
The Playroom Description
The Playroom is filled with fun, interactive learning activities that will capture children's imaginations and introduce them to the basics of reading and math.
Counting to 12. Count various objects and learn that 10 is always 10, whether it's 10 teapots or 10 ducks. Learn to recognize numbers using visual and sound cues.
Early Reading Skills. Type upper or lower case letters and hear them pronounced. Form short words containing letters from A to Z, and develop reading, spelling and keyboarding skills.
Letters and Words. Associate letters and words, for example: "F is for Father". Select and arrange objects to create imaginative stories.
Addition and Subtraction. Learn about addition and subtraction while playing a three-level strategy game.
Telling Time. Learn to tell time to the nearest hour: 1) on the clock face, 2) on a digital clock, 3) in words, 4) by counting the number of notes the clock sings.

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