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How to play Renegade

Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Renegade Description

This is the scrolling beat 'em up by Technos which started the Kunio / Nekketsu High series. The original takes takes place in a Japanese city, whereas its western version named Renegade is set on the mean streets of Brooklyn. This conversion later produced unofficial sequels Target: Renegade and Renegade III: The Final Chapter. You must venture through to meet your girlfriend, and then rescue her from her kidnappers. This is split into five levels, taking you through the subway and the docks as well as some inhospitable streets. A wide range of aggressive moves are on offer, including headbutts, kicks, punches and flying kicks. Much of the game's violence is depicted in a fairly tongue-in-cheek style, with an element of attempted humour along the way.

Renegade - additional information

DOS Renegade
Amstrad CPC Renegade
Apple II Renegade
Arcade Renegade
Commodore 64 Renegade
SEGA Master System Renegade
Game year
Also known as
"熱血硬派くにおくん" -- Japanese spelling
"热血硬派" -- Simplified Chinese spelling
"Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun" -- Japanese title
"Ghetto" -- Italian title
Cover Art
Renegade  - Cover Art Amiga