If using USB Joystick/Gamepad, you can plug the controller in the USB port once the game is loaded for best results.

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How to play Waxworks

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Waxworks Description

Number 11 and final entry in the Mysterious Adventures series. You've spent a fun day at the local fair. Now you decide to head over to the waxworks for some fun. But you are tired. You lie down for a snooze...

It turns out you are trapped in the Waxworks. Is it all a dream though? Around this time, the game engine was redone to allow complete sentences instead of the more primitive 2-word Scott Adams parser that had been used previously although early versions of the game may have still used the cruder parser.

Waxworks - additional information

Game year
Cover Art