Press Keyboard right side: Alt+Enter keys to switch to full screen game play, and Alt+Enter keys to return.
How to play Zool
Press the ESC key to get past the crack screen, on the code entry screen press enter to go into the game. On the main screen to get the full sound using the emulated Sound Blaster card, press spacebar and go down to Sound an choose S.Blast, press Enter to save. This game uses the keyboard arrows.
Zool Description
Zool is a pure platform game, relying on smooth, fast moving gameplay, colorful graphics and a soundtrack by Patrick Phelan which overlaps with the Lotus 3 soundtrack and inspired several modern electro/techno remixes. The game also contains a number of embedded minigames, including several arcade games, a scrolling space shooter and a game accessible only by making Zool play a certain tune on an in-game piano or finding certain invisible warp points.
Cheats/Hints/Walkthroughs for Zool
Type goldfish and press Enter to enable cheat mode. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Temporary invincibility - 1
Level skip - 2
World skip - 3
Alternate cheat mode
Type stretlamp or streetlamp at the options screen. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Level skip - Keypad Plus
Previous level - Keypad Minus
Invincibility - 1
Lose a life - 2
World Skip - 3
Restart level - 4