The Even More! Incredible Machine

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How to play The Even More! Incredible Machine

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

The Even More! Incredible Machine Description

The same basic gameplay as the original Incredible Machine, solving a puzzle only using the parts provided. It includes all of the 87 puzzles from the first game, 73 new ones, as well as new parts and music.

Cheats/Hints/Walkthroughs for The Even More! Incredible Machine

Incredible Machine : Cheats Level Access To access all of the levels without solving the previous level type the word "awe" as the password. This unlock all the levels. ******************************************************************* The Incredible Machine ('TIM') is one of the those games whose puzzle solutions can be most difficult to describe with words. Still, I'm going to give it my best shot. For those of you interested in getting a hint before the proverbial beans are spilled, I've tried to begin most of my solutions with just such a clue. The nice thing about most of TIM's puzzles is that many of them can be solved in several different ways. Thus, I neither claim that my answers are the easiest nor the most elegant. They do work, however, if executed properly. I encourage you to use my solutions as a springboard to your own, more imaginative Rube Goldberg contraptions. Instead of listing all of the passwords for levels 2 through 87, I will simply note that "GULF" is the password for level 87. Once you've entered this password for the last level, TIM will allow you access to any of the game's puzzles. A word of explanation: At times, I may refer to a size "x" trampoline or conveyor belt. Size 1 refers to the smallest (or shortest) of these objects, size 2 indicates that the object should be one step larger, and so forth up to the maximum size (size 4 for an incline, size 5 for a conveyor belt). 1. Put the Ball in the Hoop This puzzle provides introductory practice to using mouse motors and belts. The far left bowling ballshould land on a mouse motor connected to the first conveyor belt. Each successive ball should travel right bumping into another mouse motor connected to the next higher conveyor belt. When the basketball takes its turn on its conveyor belt, it will fall directly into the hoop. 2. Mirror Images More tutorial. Build a machine on the right that's a mirror image of the left. Be sure you reverse the position of the mouse motor or the bowling ball will fly off to the right. 3. Bellows and Balloons Practice with bellows. Blow the top balloon into the rotating gear. Blow the bottom balloon into the scissors. 4. Flip, Flip, Flip Practice with seesaws. Position a seesaw under each cannonball so that each flipped cannonball will flip the next, and the next, and the... 5. Punch Out Practice with boxing gloves and seesaws. Place a seesaw under each cannonball, a boxing glove to the left of the second bowling ball, and a boxing glove to the right of the baseball. The top bowling ball will flip up the top cannonball, which will engage the second boxing glove, projecting the second bowling ball onto the second seesaw, flipping the second cannonball into the lower channel so that its collision with the bottom boxing glove will send the baseball home. 6. Bouncing Over to Mort Practice with trampolines. Here, it's important to realize that the lower the trampoline, the more bounce (and height) you'll get out of the basketball. So place 2 trampolines to the right of the first (and at the same level) and place your last trampoline a few spaces to the left of Mort's cage. Make sure the basketball falls squarely on each trampoline. 7. Jack Says, "Hi Bob" Practice with Jack-in-the-boxes. Connect the top mouse motor to the middle jack-in-the-box. When the cannonball gets flipped into the air, have it hit another mouse motor connected to the jack-in-the-box under Bob the Fish. 8. Tilting at Windmills Practice with Windmills. Place a windmill to the right of the top bellows, then connect it to the top conveyor belt (you'll need to reverse the windmill in order to move the conveyor belt to the left). The baseball will travel left and fall through the gap where you should have it land on another set of bellows blowing another windmill connected to the second conveyor belt. This time, the tennis ball will move right where it should fall through the hole and land on another set of bellows blowing the bottom windmill connected to the gear. Bye Bye Balloon! 9. Lower All the Buckets Practice with scissors. Have the cannonball fall onto a pair of scissors that you position on the first rope to the left. The baseball on the right should fall onto the trampoline positioned immediately beneath it so that it bounces up and collides with the scissors on the right. 10. Bang, Bang, Bang Practice with guns. Tie a rope from the left side of the seesaw to the pulley below and then to the bottom gun. Place a pail under the pulley on the left and tie a rope from the pail to the pulley to a gun that you position to the right of the pulley. 11. Like a Hurricane Practice with switches and fans. Place a trampoline under the right switch and a fan to its immediate left. The baseball will fall on the trampoline and bounce back up, flipping the switch, turning on the fan, which will blow the balloon to the left so that it turns on the middle fan. Finally, position a fan immediately to the right of the lower left switch. 12. Generators and Motors Practice with...well, you know. Position a windmill to the left of the fan and connect it to the top generator. Position an electric motor next to this outlet and connect it to the conveyor belt (if necessary, reverse the motor so that its belt connector is on the right; otherwise, the conveyor belt will turn in the wrong direction). The basketball should roll right, onto the mouse motor which you should connect to another generator to the left of the tennis ball. Finally, place a fan to the right of the generator and the left of the tennis ball. The fan should blow the tennis ball into the pipe hole. 13. Putting the Gears in Motion Practice with gears and solar panels. Position a motor to the right of the top solar panel (you'll need to reverse it) and connect it to the top conveyor belt. The cannonball should roll right, fall through the gap, and onto a flashlight which you should aim at the middle solar panel. Position a fan under this middle outlet so that it blows the windmill which you should connect to the bottom conveyor belt. Tie a rope from the pail to the lower lightbulb so that when the pail falls it will turn on the light, powering the bottom outlet, and turning on the electric motor. Lastly, of course, connect this motor to the gears. 14. Lighting a Fuse Practice with cannons and fuses. Follow the example with the first cannon and place a magnifying glass and flashlight to the right of the middle cannon (you'll need to reverse the magnifying glass), and another flashlight and magnifying glass to the left of the bottom cannon. 15. Boom, Boom, Bang Practice with dynamite. Tie a rope from the pail to the lightbulb. Position your dynamite to the right of the lightbulb and magnifying glass and below and to the left of the basketball (be sure its fuse is on the left!). Arrange for the flying basketball to turn on a flashlight/magnifying glass combination which you should position to the right of the bottom cannon (this magnifying glass will need to be reversed). 16. Blastoff Practice with rockets. Have the bowling ball hit a flashlight to the left of the second rocket so that it lights its fuse (with the help of a magnifying glass, of course). Place the lowered end of a seesaw above this second rocket and tie a rope from this end of the seesaw to a lightbulb (which you position to the left of the candle) via a pulley below the lightbulb. The light from the bulb should shine through a magnifying glass and light your way free of this level. 17. Doing Some Blasting Practice with dynamite plungers. Place the upper end of a seesaw under the falling bowling ball and tie a rope from the lower end to a pulley to the right of the gun, then to the gun's trigger. Place a stick of dynamite on each of the 3 brick shelves on the left of the screen. (The stick of dynamite on the top shelf will need to be as far left as possible.) 18. Sending Mort the Mouse Home Practice with cats and mice. Position a trampoline under the bowling ball so that it bounces up and smashes Bob's bowl. Place a conveyor belt under Mort and connect it to the mouse motor. Finally, place a Pokey the Cat on the bottom brick level (facing right), far enough left that he'll chase Mort into his hole without eating him. 19. Monkey Business Practice with monkeys and bicycles. A piece of cake: Tie a rope from the cage to the left monkey's shade. 20. Bridging the Gap Practice with inclines. Reduce the size of your incline to a size 2 so that it fills in the middle gap. Place a seesaw in the far left gap with its left end down and right end up (the left end of this seesaw should be level with the wooden track). Tie a rope from its left end through both pulleys to the left end of the middle seesaw. 21. Climbing a Hill This one's similar to puzzle 1. Fill each gap with a connected mouse motor and size 1 conveyor belt. Then say "So Long" to Pokey. 22. Turn, Turn, Turn... Pop, Pop, Pop Okay, the tutorial's behind comes the fun! The idea here is to properly connect all of your gears. Tie the left end of the upper seesaw to the top monkey's shade. Connect the two free gears under this monkey with a belt. Place a gear immediately to the left of the lower-most gear so that they're properly meshed. Connect this newly added gear to the conveyor belt and the mouse motor to the gear at the top of the screen. Finally, connect the bottom monkey to the gear immediately under the mouse motor. 23. Trick Shooting This one's interesting. Position a gun above and to the right of the top seesaw and tie it to the left end of the seesaw. This gun's bullet should hit the top baseball sending it into the container on the right. (Don't hit it too squarely or it will bounce off the right wall and away from the container.) Place a gun below and to the right of this same seesaw and tie it to the lower end of the top seesaw. This gun should take care of the middle baseball. Finally, place a gun above and to the right of the bottom seesaw and tie it to the upper end of the bottom seesaw. Have its bullet take out the bottom baseball. 24. Save the Balloons This one's a cinch. Simply tie balloons 2 and 4 together the same way that balloons 1 and 3 are tied. Stringing the rope around the bottom of pulley 2 and the top of pulley 4 will create a sort of counterweight so that balloon 2 will pull on 4 and vice versa preventing either from floating too high. 25. Pop Two Balloons The trick here is to drag the right most balloon to the middle of the screen. Place a pulley above and to the right of the bottom left brick, roughly level with the bottoms of the balloons. Position a balloon to the far left of the screen at the same level as the other balloons and tie it to the balloon on the far right via the pulley. The left-most balloon will rise and drag the right-most balloon toward the gear, then will swing right, engaging the mouse motor. 26. Dropping the Ball The gun is what will send the bowling ball into the cave. Timing is what will ensure that the pails are not in the way. Position the gun between the two pails and aim it right at the bowling ball. We'll need the use of a cannonball, so tie the lower end of the seesaw to a pulley at the bottom of the screen to a lightbulb which you position to the right of the cannon. Use a magnifying glass to light the fuse. To get the cannonball to fall into the right-most pail, place a mouse motor just above the gun. To fire the gun, place a seesaw below and to the right of the first seesaw, and tie a rope from its lower-left end via a pulley to the gun. Finally, place a size 1 conveyor belt just above the lower-left end of the top seesaw and another one between the two seesaws to create a "step" that will slow down the bowling ball's progress. The bowling ball will then hit the top seesaw (turning on the light and setting off the cannon), bounce off the conveyor belt, roll off the right end of the top seesaw onto the conveyor belt step (slowing it down while the cannonball gets the pail out of the way), and fall onto the upper-right end of the lower seesaw, firing the gun. 27. Popping Balloons on the Moon Plan on popping the first balloon with the left-most gear, the second balloon with the scissors, and the third balloon with the gun. To take care of the first balloon, use an incline to get it onto the trampoline, and another incline above and to the left of the upper-left gear to send the balloon to its doom. Position a gun to the right of the seesaw aimed at where the balloon will be when it falls on the seesaw. Tie a rope from the lower-left end of the seesaw to the pulley in the lower-right corner, and then to the gun. The third balloon will commit suicide by teetering the teeter-totter which will fire the gun at it. The second balloon will bounce off the seesaw where it will then find its point in life...and death. 28. A Baseball in Every Pot This one's simple only after you've solved it. All you need are the 6 seesaws. Position 3 seesaws so that their lower-left ends are immediately under the 3 baseballs on the left. Position the other 3 seesaws so that their lower-right ends are immediately under the 3 baseballs on the right (you'll have to reverse them first, then position them under the baseballs). Then watch the bowling ball do its thing. 29. Weighing the Situation This puzzle is one of my favorites. All that's needed is to set up the pails as counterweights and time everything just right. First, tie pail 1 to pail 2 via the 2 pulleys above them. Then do the same with pails 3 and 4. Place one tennis ball high above pail 1 and another immediately above pail 2. Place the third tennis ball above pail 4 and the cannonball on the upper-right-most incline. When the tennis ball falls into pail 2, it will start falling and pail 1 will start rising. The tennis ball falling into pail 1 from high above should stop this motion when there's enough room under pails 1 and 2 for the baseball to roll underneath. The tennis ball falling into pail 4 will raise pail 3. And if the timing is just right, the cannonball will fall into pail 3, raising pail 4 when the baseball is between them. 30. Pop All the Balloons With the help of conveyor belts and an incline, we should be able to coax the first balloon to collide with the gears on the right. First, place a seesaw near the bottom right corner of the screen, and Kelly the Monkey to the right of the gears. Tie the lower-right end of the top seesaw to the lower-right end of the bottom seesaw, and tie the upper-left end of the bottom seesaw to the monkey's shade. Connect the monkey to the right-most gear. Place two size 4 conveyor belts immediately below the pipe (the left balloon has to float up and stop under the left end of the left conveyor belt). Connect the left conveyor belt to the gear at the bottom and the right conveyor belt to the middle of the top three gears. Place a size 1 incline (pointing down and to right) against the right edge of the right conveyor belt. Finally, place an incline under the bowling ball. The idea is that the bowling ball will hit Pokey, who will set off the seesaws and get the monkey to pedal. The left-most balloon will rise and rest just underneath the left-most conveyor belt until the rotating gears drive the conveyor belts and start this balloon moving to the right. It should eventually bounce off the incline and down to its destruction. Of course, the balloon on the right never has a chance. 31. Put Away the Basketballs A size 4 conveyor belt will move the balls in the right direction. Position it several spaces below the right two basketballs. Position an incline under the lower-most ball so that it, too, will roll onto the conveyor belt. Place the mouse motor just above the lower-most ball so that the top ball hits it and bounces off to the right. Connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt and the rest is history. (If necessary, you can place the seesaw above and to the left of the wooden container to prevent any of the basketballs from bouncing out.) 32. Five Gun Salute The trickiest part of this machine is the correct alignment of the four seesaws. First, set some balloons free by having the baseball (on the screen) hit a pair of scissors (cutting the rope under the fourth balloon), bouncing off to the right, and hitting another pair of scissors (cutting the rope under the fifth balloon). Use the baseball and third pair of scissors to set the second balloon free. Now the seesaws: The first balloon should hit the lower-right end of a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to the left-most gun. The second balloon should hit the lower-right end of a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to the gun just below the latter gun. The fourth balloon should hit the lower-left end of a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to the lower-most gun and whose lower-left end is tied to the upper-most gun via a pulley below and far to the right of this seesaw (got that?). The fifth balloon should hit the lower-left end of a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to the right-most gun via a pulley on the right edge of the screen. Simple, huh? 33. A Farewell to Balloons A traditional Rube Goldberg contraption where the "energy" of the falling ball must be passed on from device to device until the objective is reached. In this case, we'll be moving in a counter-clockwise direction, and ultimately break the balloon with a flaming rocket. Start by placing your fan below and to the right of the switched outlet (the fan will be partially off the screen) where it will blow the tennis ball to the left. The tennis ball should eventually hit and turn on the flashlight. Place a magnifying glass between the flashlight and the candle to light the candle. Position a gear immediately above the gear in the bottom right corner. Connect this gear to the right-most generator, and connect the nearby electric motor to the jack-in-the-box. Connect the upper-left motor to the left-most generator. Connect the right-most of the set of six gears to the bottom-right conveyor belt. 34. Pop Goes the Weasel The motion of the mouse motor is what will turn the jack-in-the-box. Indirectly connect the mouse motor to the jack-in-the-box using 2 pairs of meshed gears. Then arrange for the tennis ball to fall onto a seesaw whose lower-left end is tied to a lightbulb (to the left of the tennis ball) via the pulley. The bulb should power a solar panel to the right of a fan that you position to the right of the basketball. The basketball will blow off to the left where you should arrange for it to hit a seesaw whose lower-right end is tied to the lower-right end of the seesaw above the mouse motor. 35. Wheeeeeee! Line up the trampolines. Place one trampoline to the immediate left and one trampoline to the immediate right of the bottom trampoline (creating a set of three). Place a size 1 incline just above the right side of the lower-left incline to deflect the bowling ball onto the first of the set of three trampolines. Position a size 3 incline to the left of the right-most trampoline (not the one you placed on the screen) so the ball will eventually roll onto this trampoline. Place another trampoline immediately to its right and a seesaw, whose left end is up, immediately to the right of this last trampoline to keep the ball from falling beneath the pipe basket. If everything's just right, the ball should eventually make its way into the basket (you may have to watch it bounce for a while). 36. Pokey and Bob Shoot it Out Once again, timing is everything. Position the scissors below the top left pulley over the rope holding the left-most pail. Position the second bowling ball at the top of the screen so it hits the scissors (cutting the rope), and bounces off to the right down the channel. The original bowling ball will follow it. You'll have to tweak the position of the bowling ball and scissors until the timing is such that the bouncing pails and/or the original bowling ball block the bullets. 37. Mouse in the House Keep Mort away from Pokey! Blow Mort left with a fan so that he collides with the right edge of an incline that you position to the left of the upper piping. Place a motor below the upper-right outlet and connect it to a generator positioned below the gear on the screen. Place a fan immediately below this generator to blow Mort into his house. 38. Inside the Walls More trampoline alignment. Place a size 5 conveyor belt under the bowling ball. Power the conveyor belt with a windmill blown by a set of bellows hit by the falling baseball. Fill the gap in the second level of piping with a trampoline and use one or two other trampolines to bounce the ball into the brick basket. 39. Trap Pokey the Cat The trick is to control the direction and pace of the cannonball. To do that, we'll place the cannon a little bit above the second vertical brick wall; in this position, the cannonball will hit the brick wall, then bounce off the cannon which will give us a little more control over its movement. A magnifying glass and flashlight should be positioned to the right of the cannon (keep the flashlight as low as possible). Place the scissors to the left of the top of the second vertical brick wall over the rope holding up the pail. The scissors should be pointing left. Place a size 4 incline to Pokey's left. The bowling ball should be positioned so that it first hits the flashlight (turning it on) and then hits Pokey (without first hitting the incline), bounces off the incline, and hits Pokey a second time putting the cat into position under the cage. By this time, the cannonball should be hitting the scissors, cutting the rope, and lowering the cage. If the rope is getting cut too soon, raise the cannon slightly. If necessary, use an incline to deflect the cannonball into the pail and a rocket to limit the pail's movement after it falls. 40. Going in the Hole Should be easy. Roll the top basketball left by placing a seesaw under it. Blow both balls right with a fan next to a switch-operated outlet. The balloon should turn on the switch, activating the outlet. 41. Help Pokey Get Home The positioning of "Pokey lures" is crucial. Place a fishbowl immediately to the right of each of the two gaps in the brick flooring. This will get Pokey to the third level. Place a mouse on the third level to lure Pokey to the right and a fishbowl an inch or so to the right of the third level to get Pokey to walk off the edge. A mouse inside his house is all that will be needed to finally get Pokey home. 42. Ring of Fire This may look foreboding but all you really need to do is light one piece of dynamite. Place a size 4 incline so that its left edge is just under the tennis ball and another incline to the left of the flashlight so that the ball hits the flashlight, turning it on. Position a magnifying glass between the flashlight and the second piece of dynamite from the lower right corner, and the resulting explosion will do the rest. 43. Lower the Bucket The key is to break the balloon with a lighted candle. Extend the lower brick floor with 3 size 5 conveyor belts to its left. Place a lightbulb and magnifying glass to the left of the candle. Position a bowling ball so that it falls onto the top seesaw whose lower end is tied to the lightbulb via a pulley (below the level of the lightbulb). Place the solar panel below and to the left of the upper most gear so that its far enough right that the outlet is activated by the lighted candle and not by the lightbulb. A motor (with its belt connector on the right) above the outlet should be connected to the left of the bottom set of three gears and the upper-left gear should be connected to the conveyor belt under the candle. The candle will then be shot to the right, blowing out the balloon, and lowering the bucket. 44. Play a Set Once you realize how to project the tennis ball to the right, the hardest part's behind you. A piece of dynamite above and slightly to the left of the tennis ball will do the trick. Now all that's necessary is to light it. With its fuse hanging over the left edge, we'll be able to transport a flame to it via the rocket. The rocket will do double duty. First, it must hit the scissors, cutting the rope, releasing the pail, and turning on the flashlight which you should place to the right of the magnifying glass, underneath the pail. After the rocket hits the scissors, it should bounce left and land on a launching pad to the left of the magnifying glass made of a horizontal wooden block and two vertical blocks. There, it will be in position to be lighted by the flashlight. The rocket will take off and ignite the dynamite, blowing the ball to the right. Now all that's necessary is to elevate the ball. Place a trampoline to the left of the "net", slightly elevated. Place a seesaw (left-end down) between the tennis ball and trampoline. Tie the upper-right end of the seesaw to a gun placed off to the left to prevent the seesaw from tipping as the ball rolls up. 45. You Gotta Smile Hope you found this easy. Let the tennis ball hit the balloon, bouncing into a switched outlet which starts a motor attached to a gear positioned just below the right eye. 46. Save Bob the Fish The way to prevent the cannonball from destroying Bob's home is to blow out the bottom right section of wall so that the ball rolls out to the right before it hits the incline to the right of the fishbowl. Place the dynamite on the small brick shelf near the bottom center of the screen with its fuse sticking out to the right. Place a baseball in the gap above the flashlight. Position a magnifying glass to light a candle that you've placed on top of the conveyor belt. Position Kelly the monkey above and to the left of the candle (Kelly should be facing left). Tie the lower-right end of the second seesaw to the monkey's shade via a pulley located below the monkey. Connect Kelly's bicycle to the conveyor belt, and you (and Bob) should be all set. 47. Fetch a Pail The tough part of this puzzle is getting the right pail on the right side. We'll transport it there using the conveyor belt at the bottom of the screen. First, position a mouse motor on the right side of the screen, along with three vertically meshed gears to its left, and two horizontally meshed gears on the third brick shelf from the bottom right. Connect the mouse motor to the first of the three vertically meshed gears. Connect the third of the three gears to the conveyor belt under the right pail. Connect the second of the three gears to one of the gears on the brick shelf. Connect the last gear to the remaining conveyor belt. Dropping a ball on the mouse motor will send both pails off to the left. The left-most pail should fall to the left of the brick wall and the right-most pail should fall to the right. Place another mouse motor on top of the left side of the second conveyor belt from the bottom and connect it to the bottom conveyor belt. The right-most pail should strike the mouse motor and fall to the activated conveyor belt on the bottom, throwing it right. 48. Exercise Kelly the Monkey The object here is to hit the seesaw tied to Kelly's shade with a rocket. Place a trampoline under the left-most cannonball, and have it bounce into a mouse motor (the mouse should be facing right) connected to a size 2 conveyor belt in the column under the second cannonball. The mouse motor should send this cannonball to the adjacent column to its right where it should land on a trampoline and bounce up and off a seesaw at the top of the column into the next column to the right (tie the lower-left end of this seesaw to the upper-right end of the seesaw below and to the left to prevent it from tipping). The rest is easy: the cannonball should land on a flashlight pointed at a magnifying glass and a rocket positioned on the piece of pipe in the lower right corner. 49. Feeling a Little Out of Sorts This puzzle doesn't require so much timing as it does time. How to position the seesaws, inclines, and such just right. Try this: Place a size 3 incline 2 spaces under the first ball deflecting it to the right. Place a seesaw 2 spaces above the wooden floor with its fulcrum lined up between the second and third balls. Position a size 3 incline 2 spaces under the fourth ball deflecting it to the left. Place a size 2 incline on the wooden floor under the fifth ball deflecting it to the right. Position a size 2 incline 3 spaces under the sixth ball deflecting it to the left. Finally, place a size 1 incline under the seventh ball deflecting it to the right. If you did everything right, the following should happen: The third ball should be the first to hit the seesaw. It should hit the seesaw's right side (a moment before the second ball hits the seesaw's left side) and bounce over to the right hole. Upon hitting the right side of the seesaw, it will flip the second ball off to the left hole. Next, the first ball should hit the seesaw's center point and bounce off to the right hole. Then, the fourth ball should hit the seesaw's left side (flipping it down) and bounce off to the left hole. The fifth ball should hit the incline on the wood floor and bounce off to the right hole. The sixth ball should hit its incline and roll underneath the seesaw to the left hole. And, lastly, the seventh ball should hit its incline and bounce over to the right hole. Nothing to it! 50. Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, and... Pop! Not as bad as it seems once you realize that conveyor belts should be positioned under the balloons. Place 3 size 5 conveyor belts under the balloons (leave space between the conveyor belts and the balloons) extending off to the left. Position a magnifying glass above the middle of the left-most conveyor belt and a flashlight to its left. Drop a baseball onto the flashlight to light the candle that has fallen onto the left-most conveyor belt. The ball should bounce off the flashlight to the left where it should land onto a trampoline to the left of the left-most conveyor belt, bounce up into the air, and onto a mouse motor sitting atop the two left-most gears (all of this is necessary in order to stall the movement of the conveyor belts while the candle gets lit). Connect the mouse motor (mouse facing right) to the conveyor belt, and watch the pops. 51. Replacing Bob's Bowl Bounce the cannonball over to Bob. First, place a size 3 conveyor belt under it connected to a mouse motor situated above the balloon (mouse should face left). Position a size 2 incline next to the incline that's below left of the cannonball to form a "V". This will move the cannonball past the first vertical channel. Next, place a size 1 incline (pointing up and to the right) below and to the right of the pulley to once again prevent the ball from rolling into the center channel. After a moment, the cannonball will "fall through" the vertical wall under the pulley where you should arrange for it to land on a trampoline. The ball will then bounce into the channel under Bob where another trampoline will complete the solution. 52. Trap Mort the Mouse This puzzle requires just a little tweaking. Have the tennis ball fall onto a switched outlet which turns on a fan blowing the ball left. Use the boxing glove and seesaw to send the ball onto a trampoline on the floor under the scissors. 53. Red Alert! A lighted candle is the trick to lighting all of the rockets. And there are plenty of tools to work with. I placed my candle on a size 1 conveyor belt immediately to the left of the lip on the lower brick floor. A bowling ball falling onto a seesaw lights a bulb which lights the candle (via a magnifying glass, of course). A cannonball falls from on high (to give the candle time to light) onto a mouse motor connected to the conveyor belt which sends the lighted candle to the right to create the fireworks. 54. Set Off the Fireworks Speaking of fireworks, this one's a bit trickier than #53 since you have to set off a chain reaction. Place a flashlight under the baseball to light the rocket in the bottom right corner. The rocket should crash into Bob the Fish which will lure the Pokey the Cat onto the level with Mort the Mouse. Mort will run off to the left where he should fall onto a pair of scissors placed so as to cut the rope holding up the pail. Have the pail fall onto the dynamite plunger blasting the tennis ball up into the air (make sure the dynamite is below and ever so slightly to the right of the ball) and onto a trampoline at the bottom of the narrow pipe channel under the switched outlet. The ball should switch on the outlet which should start an electric motor connected to a generator which should power on a fan blowing a windmill connected to the jack-in-the-box. All that's left is to have the cannonball fall onto a flashlight next to the magnifying glass. 55. Punch the Bucket Which balls to use? How about the bowling ball in the top right, the baseball, and the cannonball in the bottom left. Place a seesaw with its lower-right end under the baseball and another seesaw with its lower-left end under the cannonball in the bottom left. Position a size 1 incline four spaces under the bowling ball and adjacent to the far right wall. The bowling ball will deflect to the left and land on the seesaw, flipping the baseball into the gap between the incline and the short vertical block to the right of where the baseball was. The baseball will roll down the lower channel onto the seesaw where it should flip the cannonball into the channel on the left. There you should use a trampoline at the bottom of the channel and a seesaw with its upper-right end at the top of the channel to direct the cannonball into the boxing glove. 56. Happy Second Birthday This solution is pretty much the same as that for puzzle #55. Have the cannonball fall onto a trampoline and bounce into the upper-right end of a seesaw. This should deflect the ball into a boxing glove to the left of the pail. 57. Let Mort Out of the Box This should be more like "Blow Mort Out of the Box." Place a trampoline under the baseball and a boxing glove above it to deflect it right, onto a dynamite plunger, blowing a hole in the bottom left corner of the box. The ball should then bounce back to the left onto a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to Kelly the Monkey inside the box. Kelly's pedaling should then drive a conveyor belt placed under Mort at the bottom of the box, sending Mort to the left, down into the hole and oblivion. 58. Exercise All Four Mice In this puzzle, you not only have to exercise all 4 mice but you must get them running simultaneously. The resulting solution is a relatively symmetrical one: Position a seesaw so that it's centered under the vertical wall separating the two basketballs. This will cause each basketball to perpetually flip the other into the mouse motors in the center. Connect these two mouse motors to size 3 conveyor belts under the tennis balls and send one down the brick chute to the left, and the other down the brick chute to the right. Send each tennis ball down a combination size 4 and size 1 incline so that they land right on top of a trampoline at the bottom of each pipe chute. There, the tennis balls should eventually make there way up to the mouse motors at the far left and right. (Make sure the size 1 inclines are adjacent to the trampolines; this will ensure that one tennis ball doesn't stop bouncing before the other tennis ball has reached its mark.) 59. Lower the Boom Drop the pail into the "hole" at the bottom center of the screen. You only need to use one of the cannons here. Have the baseball fall onto a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to a lightbulb next to the cannon on the right. Use the lightbulb with a magnifying glass to ignite this cannon, and position a pair of scissors so that the ejected ball hits the bottom of the scissors, cutting the rope, and releasing the pail. If necessary, line up a couple of pieces of pipe to direct the falling cannonball into the pail. 60. Cat-A-Pulting Another timing puzzle. Here, you must first lower the middle bucket with the cannonball, then "punch" Pokey off the right edge of the brick floor. Position a seesaw with its lower-right end just under the left edge of the cannonball. Center a horizontal piece of pipe over the bucket that's suspended just under the gap in the brick floor. Place a basketball to the right of the suspended bucket in the top left corner of the screen and have it fall onto a size 4 incline. Lastly, place a boxing glove to Pokey's left. The basketball should roll down the incline and fall onto the seesaw flipping the cannonball into the air where it will hit the metal piping and fall down into the bucket. This bucket will fall and raise the bucket blocking Pokey's path. In the meantime, assuming the basketball built up enough momentum, it should bounce over to the boxing glove, scooting Pokey off the right edge and down below. 61. Put Mort in Prison Cut the rope holding up the cage, blow up the wooden flooring, and you're home free. You can cut the rope by positioning two size 4 inclines end to end to lead the baseball onto a pair of scissors pointing right. A trampoline under the dynamite should bounce and deflect it onto the wooden shelf above Mort. Tie the gun to the upper-left end of the seesaw and aim it at the ultimate destination of the dynamite. All that's left is to delay the bowling ball's arrival onto the seesaw via a couple of size 4 inclines and maybe a mouse motor. 62. Eliminate the Balloons A fairly simple puzzle complicated by the fact that Kelly is preventing the baseball from directly falling onto the seesaw. So use a size 4 incline to send the baseball right, bouncing off the tip of the cannon onto a size 2 incline, leading the ball back to the left, where it can fall onto a size 4 incline (positioned below and to the right of Kelly) and, finally, deposited onto the seesaw. [Alternatively, you can have the baseball turn on a flashlight and with the help of a magnifying glass, ignite the cannon (positioning of the flashlight and magnifying glass is very tight); then use a size 2 incline under the first gap in the wood floor to roll the cannonball to the right, down, and to the left into the boxing glove; a pair of size 4 inclines can then be used to get the basketball onto the seesaw.] With the help of a rope tied from the seesaw to Kelly's shade, start Kelly bicycling. Connect Kelly to the first of three meshed gears (above and to the left of the conveyor belt), the third of which should be connected to the conveyor belt. This will then help convey a dire message to the balloons. 63. Launch All the Rockets Use the baseball and basketball. With the help of a size 4 incline, roll the baseball onto the seesaw whose lower-right end is tied via a pulley to a lightbulb/magnifying glass combination in the bottom right to ignite the two rockets there (the space is a little tight). Similarly, position a seesaw under the basketball and tie its lower-right end via a pulley to a lightbulb/magnifying glass combination in the bottom left to ignite the rocket there. 64. Fire the Cannon Perhaps this puzzle should be more aptly titled "Try Lighting the Flashlight with the Baseball." Actually, this puzzle is not too bad. Have the ball hit the lower-left end of a seesaw onto a mouse motor/conveyor belt combination which should whoosh it off to the left and down. There it should collide with another mouse motor/conveyor belt combo which should whoosh it back to the right. Use another conveyor belt to direct the ball into the wooden channel and onto the flashlight. 65. Break Bob's Fishbowl Chain reaction time again. Have the boxing glove hit a mouse motor connected to the generator which should power an electric motor connected to a the single "free" gear. Deflect the tennis ball with a fan or two so that it falls on top of the flashlight which then shines through a magnifying glass, ignites the dynamite, and does Bob in. 66. Knock It Off Keep it simple. Have the falling baseball drop onto a conveyor belt leading to the baseball on the wooden block. Connect this conveyor belt to the mouse motor. Deflect the floating balloon into the mouse motor with a gear positioned against the bottom right corner of the lower conveyor belt. Baseball in the side pocket... 67. Ten, Nine, Eight, Ignition Sequence Start... You may not like my solution. The puzzle goal says that you should "make the rocket fly off the top of the screen." It doesn't actually say you have to ignite it. Position a seesaw so that the rocket falls on its lower-right end and the cannonball falls on its upper-left end. Flip the rocket onto a trampoline. Up, up, and away! 68. Mort-Trap This puzzle's not terribly different from #61. Connect the gear to the conveyor belt under Pokey and mesh this gear with another gear connected to the mouse motor. Have Pokey land on a seesaw tied via the pulley to the gun. Place a stick of dynamite under the cage to blow up the brick and land the cage on Mort. You'll need to position an incline on the lower piping to keep Pokey from eating his dinner too early. 69. Shedding Some Light The first seesaw's connected to the...first pulley. The second seesaw's connected to the... You got the idea. First, place a mouse motor under bowling ball 2 (have the mouse face left) and connect the motor to a conveyor belt under bowline ball 1. Tie lightbulb 1 to pulley 1 (the first of the triplet of pulleys) to the right end of seesaw 1. Tie lightbulb 2 to pulley 2 to the right end of seesaw 2. Tie lightbulb 3 to pulley 3 to the right end of seesaw 4. Tie lightbulb 4 to the pulley in the bottom left corner to the pulley in the top left corner to the left end of seesaw 2. 70. Save the Bob Squad Another simple puzzle whose layout is trying to make you think that the solution is a complicated one. All you need to do is deflect the left cannonball with a seesaw and cut the rope connected to the lightbulb with a baseball/scissors combination. The worst part is waiting for TIM to realize you've solved the puzzle. 71. The Wooden Shaft The trick here is to compress the bellows with a balloon-powered seesaw. Have the tennis ball drop onto the upper-left end of a seesaw on the brick floor and ricochet into a pair of scissors setting the balloon free. The balloon should collide with the lower-left end of a seesaw (whose lower-left end is about 3/4 of an inch under the tip of the bellows). The rising seesaw will set off the bellows which should blow a windmill connected to a generator powering a motor connected to a conveyor belt placed under all three baseballs. 72. Laying Down a Bunt More like blowing down a bunt. Have the cannonball drop onto a seesaw tied to a lightbulb. The lightbulb should shine on a solar paneled outlet which should power a fan blowing the baseball to the left. Direct the ball into the bucket with one or two carefully placed pieces of pipe. 73. A Pirate's Life For Me Free the candle. Center a mouse motor (mouse facing right) on the brick flooring directly under the tennis ball. Next, position a flashlight above the mouse motor so that the tennis ball first hits and turns on the flashlight and then bounces to the right without directly hitting the mouse motor. The flashlight should shine through a magnifying glass so that it can ignite a stick of dynamite sitting on the left side (but not too far to the left) of the brick shelf below the candle. After the explosion (which should free the candle but not disturb the mouse motor), the candle should fall onto a size 5 conveyor belt centered two spaces below the brick shelf where the dynamite was sitting. There, the candle will also be lit by the flashlight. Meanwhile, the falling baseball should hit a pair of scissors freeing the balloon so that it's not in the bouncing tennis ball's path. Have the tennis ball bump into another pair of scissors and bounce back to the left where it can collide with the mouse motor. Connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt and the candle will be delivered to its appointed destination. (Alternate: Instead of deflecting the tennis ball to the right and back to the left into the mouse motor, use a series of seesaws to delay the cannonball's collision with the same mouse motor connected to the conveyor belt.) 74. Chase Away the Mice I found this one to be especially mean. That cannonball has to perform three tasks: turn on the fan, start a conveyor belt, and set off some dynamite. Use a block to fill in the gap to the right of the upper mouse. Place three size 4 inclines to create a path from the opening in the sidewall (below the tennis ball) up toward the mouse motor. Position a size 5 conveyor belt to Pokey's left, connect it to a gear (placed beneath Pokey's wooden perch) meshed with a second gear connected to the mouse motor. Have the cannonball flip on a switched outlet powering a fan blowing at Pokey. The cannonball should then bump into the left side of the gun (placed above the mouse motor pointing right), bump into and set off the mouse motor, fall onto the triplet of inclines, roll into the sidewall gap, where it should fall onto a dynamite plunger (blowing up the horizontal brick lip on the left center side of the screen), and, finally, roll off the side of the screen. Meanwhile, Pokey gets thrown to the left toward the mouse and the two of them subsequently fall through the hole in the flooring. Position a size 4 incline under the dynamite wiring allowing enough room underneath it for the mouse to sneak through but not enough room for Pokey. (For an even greater challenge, skip this last incline and try to get the cannonball to arrive in the bottom left corner of the frame about the same time that Pokey and the mouse do. Then the cannonball can intercede between Pokey and the 5 mice.) 75. Blow Up This solution is similar to puzzle #28. Place a seesaw beneath each of the three inclines under the bowling ball. Each of the three seesaws should have its left-end down and their fulcrums should be lined up directly under the bowling ball. Place two more seesaws between the inclines on the right so their left-ends are pointing up. Place a sixth seesaw below the lower-right incline so that it's upper-left end barely lines up underneath the upper-right end of the bottom seesaw on the left. At this point, if the solution is started, the bowling ball should hit each seesaw and, finally, set off the boxing glove. Once this is in place, position five pulleys just under the lower end of each of the first five seesaws. Tie the lower-ends of the first five seesaws via their corresponding pulleys to the top five guns. Tie the upper-end of the sixth (lower-right) seesaw to the sixth gun via a pulley positioned under pulley 5. Now as the seesaws are flipped, the guns will be fired and the first six sticks of dynamite set off. Place a magnifying glass and lightbulb to the right of the candle. Tie a rope from the lightbulb to a pulley beneath the brick flooring (yes, it can fit) to the lower-right end of the sixth seesaw. When the sixth seesaw flips (firing the sixth gun), it will also turn on the lightbulb, lighting the candle, which will set off the last stick of dynamite after being hit by the boxing glove. 76. Balloons In Danger The trick to this puzzle's solution is understanding that a balloon will not only break upon being hit by a flying bullet, but that it will also prevent that bullet from hitting anything else. That said, place a balloon to the right of the third gun as close to the brick wall as possible. Position the scissors over the rope tied to the third gun, and place a second balloon under the scissors. This balloon should hit the scissors (cutting the rope) and be deflected toward the first balloon positioned above. The first balloon will stop the first balloon, the second balloon the second, and the third gun will never fire. 77. Getting the Balls Together This can be pretty sticky until you figure out how to have the basketball both nudge the bowling ball off the edge and follow it. The trick isn't to put the basketball on the incline but rather to place it above and right of the bowling ball's center. Then, the falling basketball will knock the bowling ball off, bounce to the right onto the incline, and then roll off itself. Position a mouse motor against the wooden wall one space below the bowling ball and connect it to a size 5 conveyor belt positioned several spaces below the baseball. After the bowling ball hits the mouse motor, have it flip a seesaw whose fulcrum is 1 diagonal space away from the bottom left corner of the mouse motor. Place a trampoline just above the incline at the mouth of the hole to the right of the balloon. Both the bowling ball and basketball should bounce off the mouse motor, onto the seesaw, bounce onto the trampoline, and into the hole. Position a magnifying glass and flashlight to the right of the cannon fuse. Place a stick of dynamite on the wooden flooring above the flashlight, and a gun to its left, tied to the lower-right end of the seesaw. When the bowling ball lands on the seesaw, the gun will be fired, exploding the dynamite, and providing a path for the baseball to fall down onto the flashlight setting off the cannon. 78. Free Poor Pokey the Cat This is another puzzle whose solution can be elusive. The trick behind raising the cage is dropping the cannonball into the bucket. And the trick to flipping the cannonball off the seesaw is to tie a balloon to the seesaw's lower end. First, the easy stuff. Position a size 1 incline (pointing up from right to left) with its bottom point directly on top of the right balloon so that the balloon bounces off the third mouse motor into the second mouse motor. Tie the bucket to the cage via the two prepositioned pulleys. Finally, don't have the cannonball fall onto the prepositioned's too low. Instead, position another seesaw whose lower-right end is immediately under the cannonball and tie that end to the balloon in the lower-left corner. Use a size 1 incline to bounce this balloon off the side of mouse motor 1, then let it rise and pop the cannonball off the seesaw and into the bucket. 79. Put the Balls Into the Baskets Figuring out where to position a seesaw tied to the right balloon in order to activate the lower mouse motor is the secret here. Place the seesaw just above the opening to the smaller wooden basket and tie its lower-left end to the right balloon. Then connect the lower mouse motor to the conveyor belt under the basketball. Connect the upper mouse motor to the upper conveyor belt (under the bowling ball) via a pair of meshed gears (in order to reverse the direction of the conveyor belt). Also, place another seesaw so that its lower-left end is adjacent to the lower-right corner of the vertical piece of brick that's roughly center screen. This should deflect the bowling ball into the taller basket. 80. Basketball on the Moon A jack-in-the-box will perform the foul shot. Place it immediately under the basketball and connect it to the left-most gear. Connect the meshed gear to Kelly's bicycle which you should locate just below the gears. Tie Kelly's shade to the cage and blow up a stick of dynamite placed under the cage using the flashlight, magnifying glass, and baseball. 81. Breaking Down the Wall The title says it all. But how and where to position the dynamite? My idea is as follows: Position the trampoline so that it is adjacent to the brick wall and its legs are level with the cannon muzzle. Position the dynamite just above the trampoline. The bowling ball should fall onto the seesaw whose upper-right end pulls on a lightbulb located just to the left of the highest piece of brick (above and to the left of the trampoline) and whose lower-left end turns on a lightbulb (via the lower pulley) located to the left of the cannon. The lightbulb by the brick should light the dynamite (via a magnifying glass positioned close to the lightbulb) and, naturally, the other lightbulb (and magnifying glass) should light the cannon. Tweak the positions of these various objects until the cannonball safely makes its way into the bucket. 82. Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Go the Balls It's all in the positioning. Place one trampoline at the bottom of the far right well (under the basketball). Place another so that's it level with the top of the adjacent well to the left. (Deflect the basketball to the left of the first well by placing a size 2 incline high above the first well so that half of the incline is off the top of the screen.) Then play with three more trampolines. I put one just to the left of the bottom of the wells, a second above and to the right of the pipe basket, and a third just to the right of the pipe basket. 83. Light My Fire Light the rocket and fly it sideways! Have the cannonball fall onto the left side of a flashlight and bounce to the left. The flashlight should light the candle via a magnifying glass; the cannonball should bounce onto a size 2 conveyor belt and then land on a mouse motor (the conveyor belt prevents it from landing on the mouse motor prematurely) connected to the gear above and to the left of the candle. Mesh two more gears to the right of this gear and connect the third of the three to the lower-right conveyor belt (under the rocket) and the second of the three to one of the pair of gears above the rocket. The second of the pair of gears should connect to a size 5 conveyor belt positioned immediately under these two gears. Thus, the candle is lit, then shifted right on the conveyor belt to light the rocket which takes off and hits the upper conveyor belt moving it to the left. Use a size 4 incline, then a pair of unpowered size 5 conveyor belts following by another size 4 incline to continue to move the rocket to the left lighting the four candles sitting on the brick pedestals. The candle that originates in the top left corner (the last one to be lit by the rocket) should fall onto the upper-left end of a seesaw whose lower-right end turns on a lightbulb (via a pulley beneath the brick flooring). This lightbulb in conjunction with a magnifying glass can be positioned near the bottom-left corner to light the remaining two candles. 84. Removing the Pattern Perhaps this one should be called "Tweak till Your Blue in the Face." I placed a pair of scissors pointing left just above and to the right of the farthest right pulley (in the cross). I placed one cannonball so that it dropped immediately into the left bucket and the second cannonball above the right bucket and just under the top piping. This way, the second cannonball falls into the right bucket at exactly the same time that the bucket itself bumps into the scissors cutting the rope (don't let the cannonball hit the scissors and bounce away from the bucket). Then it's a matter of watching the puzzle unravel. 85. Put the Cage in the Hole Swing your cage to the left, then promenade back to the right. Tie a rope so that the falling bucket fires the gun at the cage and the bucket hits the mouse motor. The cage should be tied to the hook under its wooden base. Place a size 3 conveyor belt just above (but not right on top of) the wooden flooring at the bottom of the screen so that the right edge of the conveyor belt lines up with the hook. Place a size 5 conveyor belt right on top of the wooden flooring at the bottom of the screen so that its left edge lines up with the scissors' red handles. Fill the gap between the wooden incline and the brick with a size 3 conveyor belt. Now wire it all up. Connect the mouse motor to the far-right gear, the far-left conveyor belt to the far-left gear, the lower-middle conveyor belt to the bottom gear, and the lower-right conveyor belt to the third of the top four gears. The cage should be shot off the side of its wooden base, and land on the first conveyor belt. It should then fall off the right edge of this conveyor belt and just hang there by the rope until the baseball hits the scissors and cuts it free. The cage should then fall onto the lower conveyor belt, move right, climb the incline onto the last conveyor belt, and be dumped into the hole. 86. Save Mort From the Cats This one's nothin' compared to the last few. When Mort falls through the first gap, have him bump into a mouse motor (mouse facing right) and fall to the left toward the gears onto a size 4 conveyor belt whose left edge is immediately above the far right gear. Connect the conveyor belt to the mouse motor, and Mort's problems are behind him. 87. Up, Up, and Away Lots of options and lots of red-herrings. But when you figure that all you need is for the lower baseball to fall onto the flashlight, the problem gets easier. Keep the cannonball from blocking the gap by placing a size 1 conveyor belt immediately below it. Roll the baseball left by placing a seesaw immediately below it. The baseball should land on a size 5 conveyor belt connected to a mouse motor (mouse facing right) off to the left. The rolling basketball should hit the mouse motor before the baseball rolls off to the left. Once the mouse starts motoring, the baseball will get thrown to the right, down the hole, and onto the flashlight. 88. Tutorial: Get Mel Home Put a nail to the right of the lowest Mel so Mel will walk left into the house. 89. Horror Flick Put a seesaw to the left of the five Mels flip four Mels to the right. Put a pulley below the plunger. Put some extra dynamite left of the pulley. Tie the plunger through the pulley to the lower seesaw. This blows up the ground to open access to the lower levels for the other Mels to finish this puzzle. 90. Bouncing Balloon Only the lit candle can burst the balloon. Only the light bulb can light the candle. Only the lit candle can power the solar cell to power the motor to convey the candle to the balloon. Put a seesaw below the right superball. Tie a rope from this seesaw through the pulley to the light bulb to start the solution. 91. New Tennis Place a bowling ball on the incline above the tennis ball to bump the tennis ball off the ledge. Block the gaps at the bottom of the screen to guide the tennis ball to the bucket. Put a mouse cage in the gap below the tennis ball to power some meshed gears. Belt a conveyor to the meshed gears to propel the tennis ball into the bucket. 92. When Push Comes To Shove Use an incline and a wooden floor to make Mel fall between the baseballs. Extend some wooden platforms beside the grass to ensure the baseballs fall off screen. 93. Cat Boxing You need to place a boxing glove next to the cat. Only a gun can trigger the boxing glove. Only the seesaw can trigger the gun. You need to make the bucket fall to tilt the seesaw. Belt a jack-in-the-box to the jack-in-the-box to bump the scissors to cut the rope to drop the bucket. The falling bucket tilts the seesaw to fire the gun to trigger the boxing glove to punch the cat off the ledge. 94. A Better Mouse Trap Tie the lower end of the cat's seesaw to the upper seesaw. The bowling ball snips the scissors, and that's it! Another way to solve the puzzle is: The bowling balls snips the scissors. Make sure the bowling ball doesn't block the cannonball path. The seesaw turns on the light bulb to fire the cannon. The inclines are already set up to guide the cannonball. The cannonball bumps the mouse cage to trigger the jack-in-the-box to flip the bucket. Some rope tied between the bucket and the cat's seesaw tilts the cat toward mouse to finish the puzzle. 95. On The Way Home Put a mouse cage over the small gap to the left of the Mels so they won't fall when they turn around. You'll need to get the rocket out of the way. Fill the gap to the Mels' right with a mouse cage and some brick flooring. Place a flashlight and magnifying glass next to the rocket. To light the light bulb, tie a rope to the bucket. To make the bucket fall, the Mels walk over the mouse cage. The mouse cage turns some meshed gears to turn the conveyor under the bucket. The bucket falls, turns on the light bulb, and fires the rocket. The Mels bump the rocket, walk back and bump the mouse cage, then walk back and fall down to the house. 96. Cannonball Chaos Put a flashlight pointing left under the falling baseball. Place a magnifying glass to the left of the flashlight. Place some dynamite near the magnifying glass. Don't place the dynamite too close to the lens or it won't light. Place some dynamite on each of the wooden columns. The upper cannonball should be free to roll down and bump the lower cannonball off screen. The key point is that you don't have enough dynamite for each of the wooden columns. Don't place a dynamite on the first and third wooden column from the left. 97. Mouse Dance Put trampolines at the bottom of each gap between the pipes. Run the puzzle and watch where the mice land. Place inclines where the mice land to keep the mice moving. 98. Balloon Breaking You can't reach the balloon, so you need to pull the balloon down. Tie the bird cage through the pulley to the balloon. The rolling bowling ball tilts a seesaw to pull a rope through a pulley to pull the plunger. Put some extra dynamite near the plunger's dynamite to blow the bird cage free. The falling bird cage pulls the balloon down onto the scissors to pop the balloon and finish the puzzle. 99. Bumping Up Experiment with placing up to 7 bumpers in front of the cannon muzzle. The bumpers can toss the cannonball up to the goal. The best we can do is using only two bumpers to complete the puzzle. 100. Eightball In The Bowl Mel walks on an incline and a gator to activate a boxing glove to punch the 8-ball. Use a seesaw northwest of the fishbowl to deflect the 8-ball downward. Use some inclines to deflect the 8-ball left and up into the fishbowl. 101. Infiltration Start and watch the puzzle. The rolling cannonball lowers the right bucket and raises the left bucket. Put the cat in the left bucket to start the mouse cage. Belt the jack-in-the-box next to the mouse cage. The jack-in-the-box tilts the seesaw. Tie a rope from the seesaw through two pulleys to the gun. Aim the gun at the dynamite. Put dynamite on each brick flooring to blow up the castle. 102. Push You need to shoot Mel with a gun to reverse his original direction. You also need to get rid of the dynamite, so put a light bulb and magnifying glass to the right of the dynamite. Put a seesaw left of Mel. Mel can tilt the seesaw to shoot a gun at Mel and also to light the light bulb to explode the dynamite. Mel falls down and tilts the other seesaw to shoot another gun to throw Mel safely over the middle alligator. A superball falls and bumps the mouse cage belted to some meshed gears. Belt the meshed gears to the conveyor. The conveyor propels Mel over the lower gator and into the house. 103. Sacrifice Fill both gaps in the floor with brick flooring. A switch and fan are activated by the falling mice. The cats chase the mice to the fan and the mice are blown into the cave. Ignore the bottom cat. 104. Good Shot Set up a cannon, magnifying glass, flashlight, and baseball on the far right of the screen, across from the bucket. Run the puzzle. Watch the cannonball path. Place an incline where the cannonball goes off screen on the left. Play with the cannon placement and try again until the cannonball lands in the bucket. 105. Morning Aerobics Ignore the buckets already on the screen. Put a bucket under the mouse cage and get ready to pull it upward to bump mouse cage. Tie this bucket through two pulleys to another bucket. Put a baseball above the bucket to drop one bucket and raise the other bucket under the mouse cage. 106. Drop The Bucket You need to explode the wooden flooring below the bucket. A seesaw, light bulb, rope and magnifying glass under the bucket will do the rest. The key point is that the light bulb and magnifying glass placement is tight. First place the light bulb hanging downward before placing the magnifying glass. 107. Prison Break You need to blow up the top of the wooden prison to free up a path for the bird cage. Use a trampoline and an incline to bounce and deflect the dynamite to land on top of the wooden prison. Use some inclines to delay the cannonball from tilting a seesaw to pull a rope to shoot the gun at the dynamite. Tie a falling bucket through two pulleys already on-screen to the bird cage to lift it and free the cat. 108. Attacking Bob Tie the buckets together through the two pulleys. Put the cannonball in the left bucket so the bucket lands on the jack-in-the-box belted to the mouse cage. The jack-in-the-box tosses the left bucket up, then the left bucket falls again to swing into place under the fishbowl. The right bucket rises and allows the cannonball to fit snugly into the right bucket. This pulls the left bucket up into fishbowl to break it. 109. Making A Windmill Turn Put a seesaw under the falling baseball to deflect it onto a flashlight to light a rocket on top of a trampoline. The rocket flies up and bumps a mouse cage above the bricks next to the windmill. The mouse cage turns a conveyor under the falling kettle to propel the kettle near the windmill. The rocket flame boils the kettle so the steam turns the windmill. The key point is to make sure the conveyor doesn't block the rocket path as it heads toward the mouse cage. 110. Free The Mice Belt the mouse cage to the jack-in-the-box under the right cat. The right cat is tossed into the right bucket. The cat's bucket tilts a seesaw under it to pull a rope through one of the pulleys to pull the monkey shade open. The monkey turns the meshed gears to convey the cannonball onto a plunger to blow a path free for the mice. The meshed gears also turn the conveyor under the left cat causing it to fall down and chase the mice off the ledge. 111. Bounce, Fire, Pop Put a gun to the right of the boxing glove. Aim the gun at the boxing glove. Put a seesaw anywhere on the screen, with its upper end on the right. Tie the lower end of the seesaw through the pulley to the gun. Move the seesaw's upper end four spaces under the bowling ball so the seesaw is almost off the screen. The seesaw deflects the bowling ball to land on the lower trampoline. Put a trampoline above the boxing glove. Put a conveyor belt above the long wooden floor. Belt the conveyor to the mouse cage. Put a candle above the conveyor. Make sure the bounced bowling ball lands on a flashlight to light a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. Make sure the bowling ball bounces off the flashlight to the right and lands on the mouse cage to convey the lit candle to the rocket. The flashlight positioning is the key point in this puzzle. 112. Eight Ball In The Side Pocket Put the high end of a seesaw under the lower cannonball. The lower cannonball tilts the seesaw to light a light bulb to light a candle to boil a kettle to start moving the 8-ball. You need to block the "hole" in the pipe with the left bucket: Tie the buckets together through the two on-screen pulleys. Put a conveyor above the left bumper. Put a switch four spaces below the left bumper so the 8-ball flips the switch on. Plug a motor into the switch. Make sure you don't block the 8-ball's path, so make sure the motor is northeast of the switch. The motor turns the conveyor to drop the top cannonball into the right bucket. The key point is to put an incline southwest of the switch deflects the 8-ball into the hole. Now you just need to wait for the puzzle to time-out. 113. Bonk The Monkey Put a generator above the middle balloon and belt it to the monkey bike. Plug a fan below the generator to blow the middle balloon over and up to the seesaw. Put a gun to the left of the left balloon. Put a pulley under the left balloon. Put a pulley under the gun. The low end of the seesaw pulls a rope through some pulleys to shoot the gun to burst the left balloon. The right balloon rises to bump a mouse cage. Belt the mouse cage to a conveyor under the bowling ball. The bowling ball is conveyed left to bonk the monkey and complete the puzzle. 114. Time To Clean Up Put a trampoline directly under the falling tennis ball. Put a mouse cage northeast of the cat so the tennis ball bumps it. Belt the mouse cage to the upper-right generator. Plug a vacuum into the generator to capture the upper-right tennis ball. Put Mel facing left on the upper left wooden floor. Do not put Mel on the upper left wooden INCLINE. Put a seesaw above the two tennis balls so its upper end is left. Mels walks left onto the seesaw. The seesaw pulls a rope through a pulley put under the cat to light the light bulb to power the solar cell. Plug a vacuum below the solar cell to suck up the remaining tennis balls that Mel pushes down to it. Make sure the trampolined tennis ball falls down to the lower vacuum. 115. Hole In The Floor Put the upper end of a seesaw under the falling baseball. The falling baseball tilts the seesaw to pull a rope tied from the seesaw's upper end through the pulley to shoot a gun at the baseball on the brick ledge. The baseball on the brick ledge is shot onto the switch. The fan blows the baseball on the seesaw off the screen to finish the puzzle. 116. 3 Point Shot You need to explode the brick floor to create a path between the basketball and the goal. Put some dynamite on the extra brick ledge bump. Aim a gun at the dynamite. Tie the gun through a pulley to the upper end of the seesaw. The basketballs trampoline up to the seesaw to explode the dynamite. Deflect the other basketballs with gears and conveyors so one basketball is free from interference to bounce up to the goal. Put an incline and a gear at the top of the screen to guide the trampolined basketball into the goal. 117. Ambulance Driver Put a stretched incline in the gap so the baseball falls onto the wooden floor above the cat. Put a seesaw above the wooden floor above the cat so its upper end is to the right. Put some dynamite on the "engine block" bump. Aim a gun at the left side of the dynamite. Tie a rope from the gun through a pulley to the high end of the seesaw. The baseball tilts the seesaw to shoot the gun to explode the dynamite. The baseball falls down and bumps the mouse cage and continues to fall onto the flashlight. Belt the mouse cage to the meshed gears to turn all the gears on screen to finish the puzzle. 118. Trick Shot Put the lower end of a seesaw ALMOST under the basketball. If the lower end of the seesaw is under the basketball, this solution won't work. Aim the gun at the right of the bucket. Put a pulley above the seesaw. Tie the upper end of the seesaw through two pulleys to the right gun. Tie the balloon to the lower end of seesaw to tilt the seesaw to flip the basketball into the air. The seesaw also shoots the right gun at the bucket. The bucket and basketball will meet at the left gun to finish the puzzle. 119. Balloon Exterminator This puzzle looks harder than it is. Flip some plungered dynamite so the plunger is under the meshed gears and the dynamite is above the balloons. Tie a rope from the plunger through the pulley that is almost off the bottom of the screen, and tie it to one of the balloons. The plungered dynamite explodes the balloons. 120. Alligator Country Put a seesaw to the right of Mel and a seesaw in the gap above the top gator. Tie the right ends of the seesaws together. This lets Mel walk up to the lower wooden floor. Put a trampoline to the right of the lower wooden floor to throw Mel up to the upper wooden floor. Put a boxing glove below the switch so Mel walk left after walking up and around the other wooden floors. Make sure the boxing glove deflects the baseball to the left so it doesn't block Mel when he starts walking. Put a flashlight above the mouth of the lower gator so Mel can walk safely over the gator to go home. 121. The Launching Put a light bulb left of the magnifying glass. Put a pulley under the seesaw. Tie the light bulb through the pulley to the low end of the seesaw. Put some scissors below the balloon to snip the rope. Put a mouse cage above the trampoline. The baseball can bump a mouse cage to convey the bowling ball to glance off the scissors to cut the rope. The magnifying glass is too far from the rocket, so you must convey a lit candle to the rocket. The key point is the bowling ball must deflect off the scissors to bump the cat to activate the lower mouse cage to turn the conveyor under a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. 122. Vertical Bowling Put some dynamite on the brick ledge under the bowling ball. Aim a gun at the dynamite. Tie the gun to the upper end of the seesaw. Belt the jack-in-the-box to the mouse cage to flip and trampoline the cat up onto the conveyor. Use a wooden floor and a small incline to the right of the conveyor to guide the propelled cat onto the seesaw. The key point is to use the smallest incline otherwise the cat won't reach the seesaw. Propel the cat by belting the conveyor to the windmill. Turn the windmill with a fan connected to a switch that the mouse fall on before the mouse lands on the mouse cage. Make sure the thrown cat doesn't bump the windmill. 123. Monkey Aerobics Tie a rope between the monkey shade and the bucket. Put a small conveyor under the dynamite to the right of the bucket. Use 2 large inclines to fill the gaps between the inclines so the dynamite slides down to the lower wooden slide. Put a large conveyor under the bottom-right dynamite. Put 2 meshed gears in the corner under the brick under the right magnifying glass. Place a mouse cage under the left magnifying glass so the mouse points right. Belt this mouse cage and the lower conveyor together through the meshed gears. Put a baseball above the left flashlight. Place a mouse cage above the gap to the right of cat and belt it to the top conveyor. Make sure the mouse in the mouse cage in the gap points to the right. The key point is to put an upright wooden platform to the right of the pipe to deflect the second dynamite into place. Here's what happens: each of the 4 dynamites trampoline up and destroy bricks below the bucket until the bucket falls. The toughest part is with the last dynamite. Unless it's timed properly, it'll explode too far away from last bricks. A strategically placed wooden platform will guide the last dynamite into place. 124. Rocket Launcher Work around the magnifying glass. Put a light bulb left of the magnifying glass, and tie it to the upper end of the seesaw. Put a candle to the right of the magnifying glass, and put a wooden floor under candle. Put a boxing glove facing right under the falling bowling ball to deflect it onto the seesaw to light the light bulb. Put some plungered dynamite under the candle's wooden floor. Put a bowling ball in the right bucket to lower the bucket to push the plunger to throw the lit candle up to the rocket fuse to finish the puzzle. Watch the placement of the dynamite under the candle to make sure the lit candle reaches the rocket. 125. Attracting Mort Put the lower end of a seesaw above the balloon. Put a gun below the balloon so its bullet would hit the pipe. Put a pulley to the left of the gun. Tie a rope between the seesaw's lower end through the pulley to the gun. The key is to put some dynamite below and to the left of the mouse to blow the mouse over the brick and into the pipe. Put a conveyor belt under the dynamite, so it is partially off the bottom of the screen. Play with the dynamite placement. 126. Shoot Belt the mouse cage to the jack-in-the-box under the switch. Put a fan pointing left above the mouse cage and plug it into the switch. Put a fishbowl to the left of the mouse. The mouse is blown and breaks the fishbowl. Either the cat or the mouse tilts the seesaw to push the plunger and explode the dynamite. Tie a rope between the light bulb and the lower-left seesaw's upper end. The falling cannonball tilts this seesaw to light the light bulb. Put a jack-in-the-box in the gap in the grass so the top of the box is level with the grass. Put a magnifying glass to the left of the light bulb. Put a motor above the light bulb and plug it into the solar cell above the grass. Belt the motor to the left jack-in-the-box. The candle is blown left and is lit by the light bulb. The jack-in-the-box flings the lit candle up to the rocket. Put a solar cell above the upper candle and plug it into a motor. Belt the upper motor to the conveyor under the candle. The rocket light the upper candle, powering the upper solar cell, to convey the lit candle right. Put a rocket on the small wooden platform to the left of the 2 dynamites. Put a magnifying glass between the flashlight and the cannon. The right cannonball falls onto the flashlight to fire the cannon. Play with the rocket positioning next to the dynamite so the conveyed candle fires the rocket. 127. This Sucks Place a seesaw halfway between the mouse and the dynamite so the mouse runs over the seesaw. Put a pulley under the gator. Tie the lower end of the seesaw through this pulley to the plunger. This should allow the mouse to explode the dynamite, fall down a level and be chased to fall again. Put a flashlight above the lower gator's tail. Move the flashlight left if the dynamite won't explode. Put a magnifying glass above the lower gator's neck. Put some dynamite to the left of the lower gator's mouth. The cat will walk onto the flashlight and explode the dynamite and the wooden floor so the mouse falls again. Put a light bulb above the solar cell. Tie a rope between the light bulb and the high end of the bottom seesaw to turn on the vacuum to catch the mouse and end the puzzle. 128. Launch The Rockets III The simplest solution is to put a light bulb to the right of the magnifying glass. Tie the light bulb through some pulleys to one of the falling buckets. The falling bucket pulls the rope to light the light bulb to launch the rocket. 129. Fansy You need to counter the right fan's influence with another fan. Plug a fan and a switch together on the left to blow toward the fan already on the screen. Put a cannonball above the switch on the left. Put a windmill above one of the fans and put a jack-in-the-box above the other fan to prevent the balloon from touching the rotating gears. 130. Mel Fires The Cannon Build a bridge for Mel by putting some seesaws in the gaps. Make sure the lower ends of the seesaws are to the right. Make sure the seesaws aren't too low. Place a trampoline a bit off the left side of the screen from the left of the cannon muzzle to toss Mel up to the top. Place a seesaw in the top gap above the grass. Put a flashlight left of the magnifying glass to light the candle for Mel to knock off the ledge to light the cannon and finish the puzzle. 131. Team Work Put a switch slightly off screen under the left baseball so a fan can blow the tennis ball. Make sure the fan doesn't block the baseball from falling. Put another switch and fan above the upper conveyor. Use an incline to guide the baseball onto another switch and fan to blow the tennis ball onto the trampoline. The tennis ball trampolines up to the top cat. Put a seesaw next to the top cat for the cat to step onto. Place a seesaw under the monkey. Tie the seesaws' right ends together so the monkey shade opens and turns three meshed gears to convey the lower cat to the mouse. The mouse activates the flashlight to fire the rocket to finish the puzzle. 132. Countdown To Liftoff You need to deflect the falling baseball to the left switch already on-screen to start the solution. Face a gator to the right and put the gator's mouth below the baseball to deflect it onto the tail of the other gator and then to the switch. Connect a fan to the switch to blow the windmill to turn a generator to blow another fan. This fan blows the windmill already on the screen. Belt another generator to the windmill. Plug another fan into the generator to blow the tennis ball off the ledge and down to flashlight to fire the rocket. The key point is don't block the rocket path with the fans. Place the fans ABOVE the generators rather than NEXT TO the generators. 133. Transportation Put a small conveyor under the basketball. Put a gear above the balloon. Mesh a gear above the balloon's gear. Mesh a gear to the right of the balloon's gear. Belt the upper gear to the conveyor. Belt the right gear to the mouse cage. Put the low end of a seesaw almost under the right bowling ball. Tie a rope from the lower left seesaw through the pulley above the lower seesaw through the pulley below the lower seesaw through the pulley in the lower right and up to the upper end of the seesaw under the right bowling ball. The balloon tilts the lower left seesaw to tilt the upper right seesaw to flip the right bowling ball. The falling bowling ball tilts another seesaw to flip the left bowling ball into the right bucket. The right bucket lowers to bump the mouse cage to convey the basketball down the inclines. Fill the gap under the left bucket with an incline. Put an incline in the gap southwest of the right bucket. The key point is to make sure this incline isn't too big to block the lowering right bucket from bumping the mouse cage. You can use some extra inclines to help guide the falling basketball into the goal. Make sure the extra inclines don't block the right falling bowling ball. 134. Roundabout Put a gun to the right of the bowling ball. Aim this gun at the bowling ball. Put the upper end of a seesaw under the basketball. Tie the upper end of the seesaw through the pulleys to the gun. Place a conveyor to the right of the basketball. Put a mouse cage above the conveyor and make sure the bowling ball will bump the mouse cage. Belt the mouse cage and conveyor together. The key point is to connect the mouse cage pointing right above the conveyer so the bowling ball bumps it and is conveyed to the right. Use an incline and a seesaw to bridge the gap for the bowling ball to reach the wooden "bucket". 135. Pokey Plays Pinball Place the low end of a seesaw under the mouse so Mel will tilt the seesaw and flip the mouse The mouse breaks the fishbowl to attract the cat to fall onto the bumpers. The cat lands on the bottom wooden floor. Put a wide conveyor under the baseball. Put a mouse cage under the conveyor and belt them together. The cat chases the mouse onto the mouse cage to convey the baseball into the bucket and finish the puzzle. 136. Demolition Put a plunger above the wooden floor above the cannon. Put a rocket above the plunger. That's it! 137. The Trap The key is to put switch in the middle of the screen in the path of the bouncing superball just before it enters the pipe cage. Put two meshed gears halfway between the pulley and the cannonball. Put a pulley halfway between the meshed gears and the cannonball. Plug a motor above the switch and belt it to one of the meshed gears. Belt the other meshed gear to a small conveyor under the cannonball. You may need to move the meshed gears right a space so the belt can reach the conveyor. Put a bucket below each pulley so each one is level with the motor and switch. Tie the buckets together through the pulleys. Don't let the bucket block the superball's path INTO the pipe cage. The superball flicks the switch as it enters the pipe cage. Make sure it doesn't flick the switch beforehand. The motor turns the gears to flip the cannonball into the right bucket to lift the left bucket to block the pipe cage entrance. Play with the switch placement. Move it one space right if you need to. 138. Hit 2 Bumpers Let the falling basketball tilt a seesaw to light a light bulb and also to shoot a gun. Put a light bulb left of the magnifying glass. Put a pulley under the light bulb and tie the light bulb through the pulley to the seesaw. Put a candle right of the magnifying glass. Aim a gun at some dynamite under the bucket. Put a pulley above the basketball. Tie the seesaw through the pulley to the gun. Tie the bucket through the pulley already on-screen to the eye hook. The bucket will swing down to bump the bowling ball to trigger the boxing glove to punch the lit candle to launch the rocket to fire the cannon. The key point is to place a bumper to the right of the cannon muzzle to deflect the fired cannonball to the other bumper and then off the top of the screen. 139. Bowl Breaking Belt the mouse cage to the lower-right meshed gear. Put a jack-in-the-box under the baseball. Belt the upper meshed gear to the jack-in-the-box. Put a seesaw under the fishbowl. The jack-in-the-box flips the baseball over to tilt the seesaw to break the fishbowl. 140. Balls Into Pots Put the lower ends of some seesaws under the cannonball, bowling ball, basketball, and baseball. Put a trampoline under the cheese. Put a long conveyor under the tennis ball. Put a mouse cage under the conveyor and belt to the conveyor. Tie the lower ends of the cannonball and bowling ball seesaws together. Tie the lower end of the basketball and baseball seesaws together. Tie the upper end of the bowling ball seesaw to the upper end of the lowest seesaw. Put a pulley above the basketball seesaw's upper end. Tie the basketball seesaw's upper end through the pulley to the lower end of the lowest seesaw. Put a seesaw under the mouse on the wooden bridge so the seesaw's upper end is to the right and tie the right end to the baseball's seesaw. This is what happens: the cheese trampolines up to bump the mouse cage as well as attracting the mouse onto a seesaw. The tennis ball is conveyed into the pipe well on the right. All the seesaws are tied together so all the seesaws tilt and flip the balls into the pipe wells on the left. 141. Feeding Frenzy Put a conveyor under each mouse. Belt each conveyor to the three gears. Put a gear between the three gears already on the screen. Put a mouse cage halfway between the gears and the eight-ball. Make sure the mouse in the mouse cage is facing left. Belt the mouse cage to the middle gear. Put a light bulb and magnifying glass to the right of the candle. Tie the light bulb through the pulley to the lower end of the seesaw. Put an eye hook above the upper gators and tie it to the bird cage. The bird cage swings and bumps the bowling ball off the ledge. The bowling ball falls and rolls on top of the lower gator. The gator tosses the bowling ball up and onto the seesaw. The seesaw turns on the light bulb to light the candle to boil the kettle. The steam pushes the eight-ball into the mouse cage. The mouse cage turns the meshed gears to convey the mice to the gators to finish the puzzle. It's easy to play with the conveyor placement to drop the mice to the gators. 142. Nailed Put some eye hooks near the balloons on the far-left and far-right. Tie the second balloon from the left to the left eye hook. Tie the second balloon from the right to the right eye hook. Put a bucket above the middle balloon. The left balloon should be trapped against the left nail by the second balloon from the left. The right balloon should be pushed off screen. The middle balloon should rise off screen after being pushed by the falling bucket. The worst part of the puzzle is the left eye hook placement. Place it so it touches the bottom-left of the left balloon. 143. Rocket Launcher Use the four gators to fill the gaps and to toss the cannonball up with their jaws to tilt the seesaw. Only the right-most gator should be facing left. The other three gators face right. Put a light bulb to the left of the lens. Tie the seesaw through some pulleys under the seesaw and light bulb to turn on the light bulb to launch the rocket. 144. Blowing Home Clear a path for the superball by exploding the wooden flooring. Put some dynamite above the grass above the mouse on the right. Put three dynamites on the level above the dynamite above the mouse. Put some dynamite under the upper-right wooden platform. The superball is now free to bump the 8-ball already on the screen. Put a magnifying glass to the right of the flashlight. Put a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. Put a kettle above candle so the kettle points to the right. Put an 8-ball under the seesaw's low end. Put a light bulb to the left of the upper magnifying glass. Tie the light bulb to the seesaw's upper end. Put a candle under the upper kettle to steam-lift Mel home. Make sure Mel doesn't fall to the right by playing with eight ball placement under the seesaw. 145. Balloon Exterminator II Popping a balloon gets it off screen as well. Aim a bellows at the upper balloon so the bowling ball blows it free. Put a pulley under the plunger. Tie the lower end of the seesaw through the pulley to the plunger to explode the candle off the pipe. Place a conveyor left of the lowest wooden floor. Put a flashlight under the baseball so the flashlight points right. Put a magnifying glass to the right of the flashlight. Put a solar cell above the conveyor. Plug in a motor above the solar cell so its white wheel is to the right. Belt the motor to the conveyor to propel the lit candle right to burst the trapped balloon. Make sure the conveyor isn't too short or the lit candle will slide off. Make sure only the lit candle powers the solar cell. The flashlight should not power the solar cell. 146. Don't Eat Me You need to explode the wooden floors with a trail of dynamite to get Mel home. Work around the magnifying glass. Put a flashlight to the left of the magnifying glass so the flashlight points right. Put a mouse above the flashlight. Put a wooden platform right of the magnifying glass to support some dynamite with its fuse pointing toward the magnifying glass. Put some dynamite under the flashlight and the magnifying glass. Put a small conveyor left of the dynamite under the flashlight to hold the dynamite in place. Put a dynamite to the left of the upper gator. Put a dynamite under the upper gator. Put a wooden platform to the left of the right-most gator. Put some dynamite on this wooden platform. Put some dynamite to the left of the house. This trail of dynamite should explode enough wooden floors to allow Mel access to walk down to the house. 147. Like A Good Neighbor Put a baseball above the flashlight to launch the rocket. The key point is to put a boxing glove pointing right above the rocket to deflect it to the right and under the inclines. Put some wide inclines to the left and to the right of the on-screen inclines to guide the rocket over some dynamite placed above the house of dynamite. 148. Bucket Training Put a seesaw's upper end under the bowling ball. Put a light bulb to the left of the magnifying glass. Put a pulley below the light bulb. Tie the light bulb through this pulley to the low end of the seesaw. Put a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. Put a motor to the right of the candle. Put a solar cell above the motor. Belt the motor to the conveyor. The lit candle will power the solar cell and the motor. Make sure the light bulb doesn't power the solar cell. This will propel the lit candle into the left bucket to raise the right bucket. Put a switch, with the switch down, above the right bucket. Plug a motor into the left side of the switch Put two meshed gears to the left of the motor. Put a conveyor under the cannonball. Belt the conveyor to the meshed gears. Belt the meshed gears to the motor. The rising bucket switches the motor on and conveys the cannonball into the right bucket to raise the left bucket with the lit candle to the rocket. 149. Mel To The Rescue Put a trampoline in the gap to the right of the right Mel. Put a seesaw in the gap to the right of the lower gator. The high end of the seesaw is on the left. Put some dynamite on the ledge under the lower gator. Aim a gun at the dynamite. Make sure you don't block the left Mel's walking path. Put a pulley under the gun and tie a rope from gun through this pulley to the seesaw's lower end. If the gun won't fire when Mel walks on the seesaw, move the pulley a bit to the right and try again. Put a seesaw above the mouth of the lower gator. The high end of the seesaw is on the left. Put a seesaw above the neck of the upper gator. The high end of the seesaw is on the left Tie the gators' seesaws' high ends together. Put a trampoline immediately above the left Mel. Put a trampoline in between the gap in the right vertical wooden walls so both Mels can trampoline up to the upper level and walk home. 150. Tea Time Mel does triple duty in this puzzle. He lights the candle, explodes the dynamite, and starts the monkey cycling. Put a candle on the left edge of the lower long wooden floor. Put a magnifying glass and flashlight to the left of the candle. Put a trampoline far below Mel to bounce him up to deflect off the incline and onto the flashlight. Play with the flashlight placement. Put some plungered dynamite under the kettle. Put the upper end of a seesaw to the right of the short wooden floor. Tie the left end of the seesaw to the plunger. Put a conveyor to the right of the long upper wooden floor so the kettle falls on it. Put a monkey bike under the conveyor, so the monkey faces left. Belt the conveyor to the monkey bike. Put a pulley under the monkey bike. Tie the lower end of the seesaw through the pulley to the monkey shade. Mel lands on the flashlight to light the candle. Mel walks onto the seesaw to explode the dynamite to drop the kettle onto the conveyor to propel the kettle to the lit candle. Make sure the kettle drop straight down or it won't reach the candle or it'll slide off the upper wooden ledge. 151. Basket-Bowl Use a seesaw to fill the gap above the lower seesaw. Make sure the seesaw isn't too low. Put the lower right side of the seesaw against the right edge of the gap so it looks like a mirror image of the top seesaw. Let the baseball land on a flashlight to light a candle to boil the kettle to lift the basketball over the other gap. 152. Ballooning Around Use some fans to push the balloon. The switches can power the fans. The falling baseballs can turn on a few switches in a row to turn on the fans. Start by putting a fan above the upper left wooden wall. Point the fan at the balloon. Plug the fan into a switch. Put a baseball above the switch. The baseball can flip the switch to turn on the fan. Put other fans and switches on the screen to help push the balloon into downward inclines. You just need an incline and a conveyor strategically placed near the top-center screen to guide the balloon downward. 153. Bucket Work Put a seesaw under the basketball. It will barely fit. Tie the seesaw's upper end to any falling bucket. You need to tie the seesaw's upper end before putting it under the basketball, or you won't be able to see the seesaw's upper end. The seesaw flips the basketball off screen. 154. Come Home Mel You will need to make a balloon bridge. Put three balloons in the gap above the gator. The balloons will barely fit. Make sure the balloons are not too low or Mel gets stuck. Use eye hooks and ropes to tie the three balloons in place. Tie the right balloon to the eye hook above the house. Put a balloon to the right of the conveyor. Put an eye hook below it and tie it the balloon to the right of the conveyor. Put a balloon to the left of the conveyor and anchor it in place with an eye hook and a rope. Make sure the top of this balloon is level with the conveyor. Put a pair of scissors pointing left to the left of this balloon. Put a mouse cage in the lower left gap. Mel walks over the three balloons. The balloon to the right of the pipe lets Mel walk onto the conveyor. Mel bumps another balloon, turn around, walks over another balloon and onto the scissors. Mel drops to the lower pipes and eventually reaches the house. 155. Cheese Fill the upper gap with two mouse cages. The right mouse cage in the gap powers the conveyor to propel the cheese to the right. The left mouse cage in the gap is belted to a jack-in-the-box under the seesaw. Put a pulley under the jack-in-the-box. Put a pulley under the plunger. Tie a rope from the seesaw through the pulleys to the plunger. As the mice fall and follow the propelled cheese, the jack-in-the-box tilts the seesaw and pulls a rope connected through some pulleys to the plunger. The dynamite explodes the wooden floors to drop the mice down three levels. Put a kettle above the lowest gator's tail. Put a candle under the kettle. Use a magnifying glass, flashlight, and cannonball to boil the kettle. The kettle's steam can lift the mice away from the lowest gator's mouth and into the goal. 156. Expert: Where Is My Home? Put the lower end of a seesaw under the cannonball. Tie the buckets together through the pulleys. The lower Mel is tossed up to the upper left house. The tricky part of this puzzle is separating the top three Mels. Put a mouse cage halfway between the cannonball and the grass at the bottom of the screen. Put a conveyor to the right of the mouse cage. Belt the mouse cage and the conveyor together to split off two of the Mels to the right. Make sure the conveyor is level with the top of the mouse cage. Make sure the mouse cage and conveyor aren't too high. Put a seesaw in the gap next to the lower right house, with its lower end touching the grass on the left. Make sure the seesaw isn't too low in the gap. This seesaw will toss one of the Mels upward. Put a trampoline to the right of the incline above the lower right house to toss the last Mel to the upper right house. 157. Expert: Clear The Path Put a magnifying glass and flashlight next to each rocket fuse. You need to separate the falling baseballs. Put a boxing glove under the baseballs. The boxing glove should point right to deflect and punch the right baseball right and bump the left baseball left. Play with the placement of the boxing glove. Put some scissors on top of the left balloon to clear a path for the right baseball. A trampoline bounces the right baseball onto the right flashlight. The left baseball just rolls onto the left flashlight. 158. Expert: 10-9-8... Put a switch under the falling baseball. Plug a fan into the switch. Make sure the fan points right. Put a windmill to the right of the fan. Belt the windmill to the second gear from the left, above the wooden floor. Put a gear to the right of the balloon. Belt this gear to the third gear from the left above the wooden floor. Put a few gears in the gaps in the gears already on the screen. Put a wide conveyor to the right of the mouse cage. Put a bowling ball above the conveyor. Belt the conveyor to the leftmost gear above the wooden floor. Put a wide conveyor under the cannonball and belt it to the second gear from the left above the wooden floor. Put a conveyor to the right of the conveyor under the cannonball to drop the cannonball into the right bucket. Belt the lower left meshed gear to the conveyor under the baseball. Put a conveyor under the conveyors to balance the buckets so the baseball can pass underneath the buckets. The key point is to play with the placement of the bowling ball to time things to allow the baseball to have enough momentum to reach the flashlight. Put the bowling ball under the balloon to allow this to happen. 159. Expert: Clear The Path II The idea is to get the dynamite to the upper-right. You also need to launch the rocket to explode the dynamite to free the rocket. Use a mouse cage to keep the rightmost baseball on the inclines to reach the flashlight. Put a mouse cage above the gap that is below the right baseball Use a series of candles and magnifying glasses to fire the rocket. Put a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. Put a magnifying glass to the right of the candle. Put another candle and another magnifying glass to the right of the magnifying glass to reach the rocket. Start moving the dynamite by belting the mouse cage above the dynamite to the conveyor under the dynamite. Put a jack-in-the-box to the right of the upper trampoline and the incline. Make sure this jack-in-the-box isn't too high. Belt this jack-in-the-box to the right mouse cage. The jack-in-the-box flings the dynamite to the upper trampoline and up to another mouse cage powering a conveyor to the left of the upper incline. Fill the upper gaps with conveyors belted to 3 meshed gears that are belted to a motor above the solar cell. Belt the conveyors to the left and right gears of the 3 meshed gears. Belt the motor to the middle meshed gear. The lit candles fire the rocket and also powers the conveyors to propel the dynamite to the upper-right screen. The rocket explodes the dynamite and finishes the puzzle. 160. Expert: A Long Walk The falling baseball flicks a switch to power a vacuum and a motor belted to the conveyor under the jack-in-the-box. The vacuum tugs the Mels up to the underside of the conveyor to propel the Mels right. Make sure the vacuum is low enough to tug at the Mels. A tack to the left of the upper mouse cage can help guide the Mels right. Put a dynamite above the seesaw above the balloon. Put a light bulb right of the magnifying glass and tie it through both pulleys to the upper end of the seesaw. Mel snips the scissors to free the balloon to tilt the seesaw to light the candle and drop the dynamite onto the lit candle. The dynamite explodes the wooden floor to drop the Mels down a level. Arrange a stairway of nails to the right of the wooden platform at the right of the lower mouse cage to let the Mels reverse direction and walk down another level. The Mels walk across the lowest mouse cage belted to a conveyor to propel the lower baseball onto a flashlight. The flashlight lights a candle to heat the kettle. The kettle steam lifts Mels across the gap to the home. Next Level Type "v" to advance to the next level.

The Even More! Incredible Machine - additional information

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